6/30 – Visit the St. Louis Art Museum

Wednesday, June 30 | 9:30am-12:00pm St Louis Art Museum 1 Fine Arts Drive, Forest Park, 63110 Join Parkway UCC as we head to the beautiful St. Louis Art Museum. Meet at Parkway at 9:30 to carpool, or meet at the main entrance to the Art Museum at 10. Admission is free, but if you’d like…

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June 2021 Alzheimer’s News

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain awareness month. Please make brain health an important part of your return to normal from the COVID-19 pandemic. Eat healthy. Have breakfast. Granola and fruit are great. At least have a granola bar. Salads, fruits and vegetables are wonderful. Pork is better for us than beef. Share your story. You…

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Tuesday Afternoon Dialogue

1st & 3rd Tuesdays | 2:00pm | via ZOOM Please join us this summer – starting June 15 – as we read Great Psalms of the Bible by Clint McCann. McCann is an internationally recognized Psalms scholar at Eden Theological Seminary, and he comes highly recommended by several PUCCers who have taken his classes. Feel…

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TED – The Heart’s Invisible Furies begins May 25

2nd & 4th Tuesdays | 6:45pm social time | 7:00pm Book discussion | via Zoom The next book for TED is a novel entitled The Heart’s Invisible Furies by John Boyne. It’s about an Irish orphan and takes place from the 1940’s to present. It was a NYT bestseller in 2017 . One reviewer wrote…

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Time of Transition Fall/Winter 2021/2022

You are invited to the reopening of  Parkway United Church of Christ  In-Person Worship Services Sundays at 10:00am   The PUCC Council and the PUCC Covid Team are delighted to welcome back our church family and guests to in-person worship services with the following safeguards: Masks required (regardless of vaccination status) Sign-in for contact tracing…

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Alzheimer’s News

May 2021 Alzheimer’s News The Alzheimer’s Association Greater Missouri Chapter has partnered with Missouri Rural Health Association and Memory Care Home Solutions to deliver the Caregiver Training and Relief Program. The Customized Caregiver Training Program provides hands-on training to manage challenging behaviors, learn caregiver strategies, and improve quality time at home. To learn more about…

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5/16 Investing for the Future

Sunday, May 16 | 11:15am | Youtube presentation   “Darn, I saved too much money for my retirement, said nobody, EVER.” Buy low and sell high; is it really that easy? Our speaker, John Meiners, worked in the financial industry for over 40 years and comes to Parkway to talk about the nuts and bolts…

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4/25 Speakers Series: My Life-Long Fascination with the Weather

Sunday, April 25 | 11:15am | ZOOM Presented by Matthew Scherrer. George Carlin once wisecracked “Weather forecast for tonight – dark.” But it’s not that simple according to Matthew Scherrer, a self-styled amateur meteorologist. In his remarks for the Parkway Speakers Series, Matthew will recount his passion for weather from childhood to the present, agreeing…

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Tuesday Afternoon Dialogue (TAD)

Please join us for Tuesday Afternoon Dialogue (TAD) beginning April 20th as we discuss the book Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference, by Keller and Inazu. The book is a collection of twelve true stories, divided into three sections. The two authors pulled the stories together from a group which met in…

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April 2021 Alzheimer’s News

April 2021 Alzheimer’s News With the two recent federal guideline announcements easing restrictions for nursing home visits and giving the greenlight to certain in-person activities for fully-vaccinated individuals, many families will soon be visiting older relatives they haven’t seen in months or even a whole year. Here are some tips for visiting a loved one…

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Tuesday Evening Dialogue

2nd & 4th Tuesdays | 6:45pm social time | 7:00pm discussion | Via Zoom Please join us to dicuss The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett. This novel is about twin sisters who choose to live in two very different worlds: one black and one white. This book explores race, gender and identity and also how…

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Faith Action Climate Week with Free Film Screening

A moral call for climate change action April 16 – 25 | https://www.faithclimateactionweek.org/ Ten days in April during Earth Month when IPL congregations focus on how we can all take action to protect our climate. The 2021 theme is Sacred Ground: Cultivating Connections Between our Faith, our Food, and the Climate. Interfaith Power and Light…

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