
Faith Action Climate Week with Free Film Screening


A moral call for climate change action

April 16 – 25 |

Ten days in April during Earth Month when IPL congregations focus on how we can all take action to protect our climate. The 2021 theme is

Sacred Ground: Cultivating Connections Between our Faith, our Food, and the Climate.

Interfaith Power and Light is offering a free screening of the film Kiss the Ground from April 10 – 26. You may register beginning April 1st and will be sent your own personal link to view the film at home at your leisure. The link to the web address above has a link to register for the film. It also has a link to the screening kit if you would like more information or to share it with a group for a discussion.

Kiss the Ground is a new film—chosen as the featured film of Interfaith Power & Light’s Faith Climate Action Week— about how regenerating the world’s soils has the potential to rapidly stabilize Earth’s climate, restore lost ecosystems, and create abundant food supplies. This film explains why transitioning to regenerative agriculture could be key in rehabilitating the planet, while simultaneously invigorating a new sense of hope and inspiration in viewers.

This film has been chosen as the featured film of Interfaith Power & Light’s Faith Climate Action Week, April 16-25, 2021. Our theme this year is Sacred Ground: Cultivating Connections between our Food, our Faith, and the Climate.

Register to view the film:

Post Date: April 1, 2021


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