Support the PUCC Mission and Vision

At Parkway, giving helps us educate and nurture persons for discipleship, build a caring Christian community, participate in God's mission to the world, and be stewards of the resources God has entrusted to us. Your contributions allow us to serve our congregation and community, advocate for justice, and provide a safe and accepting space for all



Go the 2nd Mile with us!

Second Mile Giving is over and above the Operational Budget and donations will be divided evenly among the organizations listed below. We believe this blend of support will help Parkway create local, national and international impact with its gifts. Please be generous as these organizations need on our gifts in order to be more faithful and effective.


Lydia’s House

Lydia’s House works in faith to end domestic violence in St Louis by being a place of healing and a voice of hope for abused women and their children. The agency provides safe, confidentially-located furnished apartments for up to two years, assists women in creating and implementing goal plans that will help them live independently, and increases community awareness of domestic violence. For more information, please visit


UP—Unleashing Potential [formerly Neighborhood Houses]

For more than 100 years, Neighborhood Houses has loved children in St Louis. Currently, there are three main facets to their mission:

Early Childhood Education—Caroline Mission is a licensed and accredited Early Childhood facility operated by Neighborhood Houses. Our Mission is to provide quality affordable childcare for children from 6 weeks to 5 years of age. Caroline Mission is a “home away from home.”

Girls' Night Out: Neighborhood Houses and Parents as Teachers collaborated together in the design and delivery of a program dedicated to supporting and assisting young mothers, ages 13—22. Girls Night Out is designed to promote healthy individuals and families.

After School Programs: Neighborhood Houses is the #1 provider of after school programming in the St Louis Public Schools… fun & creative activities, homework assistance, character education, cultural awareness, health & fitness focus, arts & crafts, supervised recreation, and much more! For more information, please visit


Heifer International

Heifer International does so much more than put food in the mouths of hungry people. Heifer helps people to feed themselves. The goal of every Heifer project is sustainability -- project partners achieving self-reliance. And year after year, as partner families “pass on the gift” of knowledge and one or more of their animals’ offspring to others in need, they become links in a network of hope, dignity and self-reliance that helps hundreds of others care for themselves. For more information, please visit


Eden Seminary

Eden Theological Seminary is a graduate school preparing women and men for ordained Christian ministry. One of the six seminaries of the United Church of Christ, Eden is a community that seeks God’s justice and peace in the world. Eden is welcoming, inclusive and ecumenically diverse.
Eden was established in 1850 at Marthasville, Missouri. It was established because a European education was not adequate to prepare pastors for Evangelical churches on the North American frontier. From its beginning, Eden has embodied an ecumenical spirit. Its first graduating class included six Evangelicals as well as a Methodist and a Mennonite.
Eden admitted its first African American student in 1933. In 1965, the late Joseph Cardinal Ritter of the Saint Louis Archdiocese became the first Roman Catholic Cardinal to address a graduating class in a Protestant seminary.
Today, students from many different denominations are engaged in theological education at Eden as it remains committed to educating faithful and effective leaders for church and society. The seminary counts among its distinguished graduates Reinhold Niebuhr, H. Richard Niebuhr and Walter Brueggemann.
Eden Theological Seminary is committed to the study of theology in the context of the ecumenical Christian community and the contemporary interfaith world. For more information, please visit

Please be sure to clearly mark your 2nd Mile gifts throughout the season of Lent.