
School Supply Drive

Event Date: 09/08/2024


Parkway UCC is supporting two worthy organizations this year to provide school and other supplies to children in the St. Louis area. The Little Bit Foundation serves children in 37 schools in North St. Louis. Isaiah 58 Ministries serves children in South St. Louis. Please support these organizations as you are able. Place items in the designated box in the Gathering Space.

The following is a list of combined needs:
MOST NEEDED: zippered pencil pouches, need approximately 200

MOST NEEDED: socks and underwear for boys and girls, all sizes, K – 12
Pencils, pens, colored pencils 8 -12 pack, crayons 24 pack, markers, highlighters, glue sticks, wide-ruled composition books, wide-ruled loose leaf paper

Contact: Elizabeth Barclay | | (573) 201-4349

Post Date: June 13, 2019


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