Worship Helpers

Our weekly volunteers help make Sunday worship feel like family, and we need your help serving our congregation! Sign up today to be a greeter, usher, refreshment, audio/visual or flower volunteer, and we'll contact you with more details.

Lay Readers

Please check in with Kevin just before the service starts so he knows you are here. Feel free to sit wherever you would like during the service.

Please come up to the pulpit/ambo to share the reading(s). At the conclusion of the final reading, pause, then say “May God help us to find truth and guidance in these words.” (This is on a plaque on both the pulpit/ambo and the portable podium we use from time to time.) We also appreciate your leading the prayer after the offering – ‘Prayer of Dedication’. Come up to the front as the music starts and the ushers begin their walk down the center aisle returning with the offering plates … stand there on the floor with Kevin at the base of the steps and when the singing has ceased, simply say something like: “Please join us in our Prayer of Dedication... [then start the prayer slowly so people can jump in with you…]”


Thank you very much for agreeing to welcome members, friends and visitors on Sunday mornings. Please arrive at the Hospitality Table (just inside the main doors) at 9:40am. Familiarize yourself with what is on the table and literature rack adjacent to the table.

Give a friendly smile and handshake to people upon their arrival. Introduce yourself. Please identify visitors* and ask them to fill out nametags and then ‘pass them along’ to someone else in the Gathering Space who can help them get acclimated -- so you are available to greet the next folks. The idea is to do whatever we can to make our visitors feel comfortable and at home in our sacred space and faith family.

*Some people are hard pressed to discern a visitor from a member. It’s OK to say something authentic like – “We’ve met… but I’m sorry I don’t recall your name” or “Have we met before?” or “If you don’t have a nametag on the cabinet over by the office, please make yourself one here. We would like to know you by name.”


Thank you for your contribution of flowers/plants for the chancel area (please note ‘flowers’ on your $30 check). A Sanctuary Committee member will check with you for your preferences – i.e., colors, whether they are in memory of someone or to celebrate a birthday. If you do not take them home after the worship service, they will be delivered to church members/friends in the hospital, nursing home, or others who need a reminder that they are not alone.


Please bring approximately 150 pieces… cookies, donut holes, cake, brownies/bars and/or fruit or veggies – people do a variety of things!

Please arrange on three trays (trays are located in the kitchen in the cabinet near the phone) and set them out in the Gathering Space — two on the table by the bulletin board and the other on the table on the edge of the carpeted and tiled area— at about 9:30am as people will be arriving to have fellowship, coffee and refreshments then. The person in charge of pastries is not responsible for cleanup.


This is a copy of what is in the black USHER binder kept in the cabinet just to the right of the middle sanctuary doors.

Usher Checklist & Attendance

Thank you for this important ministry. You represent God’s hospitality to members and visitors. Your friendliness makes a significant impression!

Before Service Duties

Please arrive by 9:30am

  • Get bulletin basket from church office workroom across from the restrooms. Place basket on the cabinet to the right of the middle sanctuary doors.
  • Get children’s activity basket from storage closet and place near center doors.
  • Turn on all lights including those in the Gathering Space, foyer, and sanctuary.
  • Tidy up pews and be sure that the red hymnals and blue songbooks are fairly spread out in pews.
  • Turn on Sound System – key is in office workroom key rack in upper cabinet on east wall (key #33).
  • Get collection plates from cabinet near center doors and place on top of the cabinet.
  • Open name tag cabinets (outside of main office).
  • Get three glasses from kitchenette off Gathering Space. Fill with water and place two glasses on chancel table between chairs. Place the third glass on the shelf in the back of the ambo/pulpit.
  • Check candles for oil and refill as needed (oil is in the Sacristy – upper middle cabinet).
  • Pass out worship bulletins as people arrive.

During Service Duties

  • Light candles at time indicated in bulletin (candle lighter and lighters may be in storage room).
  • Close all doors.
  • Assist any latecomers. Inform new persons with little children that there is infant through pre-school care in Rooms 1 and 2 if they would like to explore that option.
  • Collect prayer cards during first hymn and take to Pastor – walk thru sanctuary holding up card.
  • Take attendance by counting the total number of children during Children’s time, and then count number of people in the congregation during the service. Make note of any special circumstances (baptism, snow, 110 degrees, etc.)
  • Collect offering. Return offering plates to rear of the Sanctuary after the Prayer of Dedication. One of the counters will pick it up right away.
  • On Communion Sundays (1st Sunday of the month and special occasions)
  • Take elements forward when directed by Pastor leading Communion and help serve.
  • Bring elements back to the Gathering Space after Communion is served.
  • Extinguish candles at end of service (during last stanza of last hymn) and walk out with the Pastor.

After Service Duties

  • Tidy the pews, place leftover bulletins back in basket, dispose of litter, return all stored items.
  • Place bulletin basket back in office workroom.
  • Close name tag cabinets.
  • Turn off sound system if not already done. Place all microphones (including wireless ones) in sound system cabinet. Return key #33 to office workroom key rack in upper cabinet on east wall.
  • Place the three water glasses in the dishwasher in the kitchenette off the Gathering Space.
  • On Communion Sundays, please clean chalice/plate/wine trays/bread plates - return all to Sacristy.

Sign up to be a Worship Helper

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY