JHLTB11 – A Day On, Not A Day Off

“The time is always right to do right.” – MLK Jr Join us on MLK Jr’s Birthday – Monday, January 20 – for our 11th Jesus Has Left the Building. Please set aside the morning of MLK Jr’s birthday as a DAY ON not A DAY OFF! We are asking everyone to bring used books…

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Let’s Go Dutch to The St. Louis Art Museum

Not Just for Men will visit the Saint Louis Art Museum to view the special exhibit of Dutch Painting in The Age of Rembrandt. Following the exhibit we will visit a fine dining establishment. P.S. We will have a second run at the History Museum’s exhibit on The Mississippi River in February. Call Harold Cobb…

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Twelfth-Night Feast & Festival

TWELFTH – NIGHT FEAST & FESTIVAL Featuring visiting choirs and musicians performing the last of the Season’s Christmas Music! FREE EVENT – Please bring one large plate of heavy hors-d’oeuvres/finger foods to share for the Feasting Table by the fireplace! The public is invited – bring friends for an exciting end-of-the-season celebration! Any questions, please…

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Give-a-Meal Sunday

Sunday, 1 December, is Give-a-Meal Sunday, supporting Isaiah 58 Ministries food pantry. Please give as you are able. Thanks for your generous donations in the past. Evelyn Buretta, burettaevelyn@gmail.com

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Series Speaker Darwin and Evolution – Dr John Russel

How many times do you have the opportunity to hear a real live scientist speak about evolution? The Parkway Speakers Series proudly presents “Darwin; What did he Actually Say and How can we Interpret his Thinking Today?” by  PUCCer Dr. John Russell. He will also wrestle with this provocative question, “How many evolutionists does it…

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Christmas Eve Worship

4:30pm Family Friendly Worship—A lively and spirited service with Nativity scriptures, carols and contemporary reflections. We will sing Silent Night by candlelight as we prepare to go out into this holy night.   7:30pm Candlelight & Communion—This traditional service includes the Christmas Gospel, choir and carols as we ponder what this love story means for…

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Dec. 29 Family Service

Plan to celebrate Happy New Year 2020 with a special family service, Dec. 29 at 10am. We will have Sermon Bingo Game, a project to make lap robes for retirement home residents, and a toast to the new year with Sparking Grape Juice or hot chocolate with marshmallows. Rumor has it that there will be…

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Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Neighbors Helping Neighbors Initiative to Adopt 10 Refugee Families   Congregation Shaare Emeth will join Parkway United Church of Christ again this year to support a number of new American families. The families this year came to us from the following organizations: BIAS, IFCLA and Grace Gospel Baptist Church. BIAS (Bilingual International Assistant Services) ensures…

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Ninth Annual Jazz Noel

Ninth Annual Jazz Noel Two Performances: Saturday, December 14 at 3:00 pm Parkway United Church of Christ 2841 N. Ballas Road, St. Louis 63131 Sunday, December 15 at 3:00 pm  First Congregational Church 10 W. Lockwood Ave., Webster Groves 63119                                    …

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Plastic cap recycling opportunity

3-24-20 Update: During the COVID-19 stay at home order, please continue to collect plastic caps and store at home for future drop-off at Parkway UCC.   The Parkway Sustainability Seekers are “seeking” your plastic caps to help Gateway ONA. The caps will be recycled and made into rainbow benches that Gateway ONA hopes to donate…

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Christmas Gifts for Women in Transition

The Center for Women in Transition provides immediate services, life skill training, and help with job seeking to formerly incarcerated women. If you are out shopping in the next week, the Center would appreciate winter scarves and any beauty products to add a bit of brightness to these ladies for Christmas. Please place gifts in…

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Christmas Caroling

Join us as we spread the Christmas Spirit with PUCCers that would be blessed by such a gift. We will provide song sheets and jingle bells. Please consider bringing a friend with you! Meet in the Gathering Space for a quick warm-up and then we will carpool to share hope, peace, joy and love.

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