
Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Event Date: 10/22/2024


Neighbors Helping Neighbors Initiative to Adopt 10 Refugee Families


Congregation Shaare Emeth will join Parkway United Church of Christ again this year to support a number of new American families. The families this year came to us from the following organizations: BIAS, IFCLA and Grace Gospel Baptist Church. BIAS (Bilingual International Assistant Services) ensures equal access to healthcare, mental health, and social services especially for survivors of torture who have come to find a home in this country. IFCLA (Interfaith Coalition on Latin America provides assistance to refugees, DACA, asylum seekers and currently, is also the lead in supporting the Alex Garcia Family. Alex Garcia has been in sanctuary for over 2 years now. Grace Gospel Baptist Church is led by volunteer Pastor Freddy and provides spiritual and daily support for a large population of refugee families from the Congo.

Our goal this holiday season is to fulfill the Christmas wish lists for the children and provide each of the 10 families with $400 to go towards rent and utilities. All checks must be made out to Parkway United Church of Christ and can be dropped off at Shaare Emeth or Parkway. Please mark on the envelope and memo line of the check ‘Neighbors Helping Neighbors.’ Gifts for the children need to be wrapped and labeled with the family name. They can be dropped off at either location as well. If you have any questions, please contact either Stan Shanker from Congregation Shaare Emeth at or 314-420-3600 or Lisa Mason from Parkway United Church of Christ at or 314-395-4444

Our respective traditions teach the following about giving:

“We are not required to finish the work, but neither are we allowed to desist from it.” Rabbi Tarfon

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

Please choose what you would like to gift on the SignUp Genius to avoid duplication:

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Post Date: December 11, 2019


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