Employment Opportunity

Faithful, fun, inclusive, energized congregation in West County St Louis seeks a part-time (20 hours) church bookkeeper to overlap with and replace the retiring staff member. We need someone to partner with our volunteer Treasurer, Stewardship Committee and Church Council to help us meet our mission and vision. Your primary role would be to record…

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My Time as a Country Lawyer

Phil Smith, Politician and Country Lawyer Sunday, December 13 | 11:15am | YouTube: https://youtu.be/PtuCMuGHetk Phil Smith was born and raised in Louisiana, MO. and practiced law in a one lawyer shop for decades. During that time, he ran successfully for State Representative from his district. He spent a lot of time in Jeff City, when…

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CMHC #14- Sigmund Freud- the man who transformed mental health

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) is one of those old famous guys we all think we know something about. He had something to do with psychiatry, but that’s about as far as the average person goes. Many of his theories have largely been debunked by 2020, yet he changed the course of many lives when it comes…

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Scouting for Food

Scouting for Food – the annual food drive that occurs in November when young scouts tie a bag around your front door one Saturday and then come to pick up your generous donations of non-perishable food items the following Saturday has been canceled this year. One way they are keeping their commitment to hungry people…

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“A Story of the Edmund Fitzgerald,” as told by John Dwyer 11/8

Sunday, November 8 & 15  | 11:15am | via ZOOM While a college student, Parkway member John Dwyer worked in the summers as a merchant seaman on Great Lakes “ore boats.” This included a summer on the Edmund Fitzgerald, which on November 10, 1975 was lost with all hands during a ferocious storm on Lake…

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Sailing the Inland Seas and the Story of the Edmund Fitzgerald

Parkway Speaker Series Sunday, November 11 | 11:15 am | via Zoom While a college student, Parkway member John Dwyer worked in the summers as a merchant seaman on Great Lakes “ore boats.” This included a summer on the Edmund Fitzgerald, which on November 10, 1975 was lost with all hands during a ferocious storm…

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Join Us for Tuesday Afternoon Dialogue (TAD)

1st & 3rd Tuesdays beginning 11/17 | 2:00-3:00pm | via ZOOM TED has a new sibling! Introducing TAD, Tuesday afternoon Dialogue, a Zoom book discussion group. Everyone is welcome. We will be meeting the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, starting November 17th. The book we have selected is Almost Everything: Notes on Hope…

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Covid mental health challenge #7. Laugh your way to mental fitness.

I’ve always had a special place in my heart for comedians. They poke fun at our world and show it’s glaring absurdities, inviting us to laugh at the very things that drive us crazy. And in many cases, it turns out the best comedians are struggling with mental afflictions themselves, mining the darkness of their…

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Fast and Pray – Two Weeks Until the Election

Please fast and pray with me today. The election is two weeks away, and, though this vote cannot fix all that is so badly broken in this country, it might help. • I’m praying this election will mark the beginning of the end of family separations, caging children, and demonizing immigrants. • I pray this…

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Religion in Politics

A Word for the Day… I was talking with a neighbor a couple of weeks ago when the topic of the presidential debates came up. “I do not talk about politics or religion with people,” she said. “I do not think any of that matters in the whole scheme of things.” I was dumbfounded. I…

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