3/26 – Return to Vietnam

Event Date: 11/13/2022


Two Parkway Church Veterans Recount Their Experiences During the War and Decades later, when they Returned

by John Russell and Roger Fauss

People who opposed American involvement in the Vietnam War tended to blame American troops for the tragic situation in Vietnam, instead of blaming the government leaders who had sent them there. By the 1980s, however, many Americans began to change their views of Vietnam veterans. They began to see that even if the war was wrong, most of the men who fought it were just ordinary men and women doing their jobs. Soldiers who had served in Vietnam finally began receiving recognition. In 1985, Newsweek reported that “America’s Vietnam veterans, once viewed with a mixture of indifference and outright hostility by their countrymen, are now widely regarded as national heroes.”

And then, thousands of former servicemembers journeyed to Vietnam, including John Russell. Aided by vivid and compelling photographic images of their experiences, Roger and John each have a remarkable tale to share. Honor their legacy by not missing this riveting and historic Speakers Series presentation.

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84691476997?pwd=aEM2ZURYWURLNmkwd0EzV0VHV1IyQT09
Meeting ID: 8469147 6997 | Passcode: 181565 | Dial (312) 626-6799

Post Date: March 24, 2023


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