Lending a Hand and Making a Difference

Event Date: 12/11/2022


Parkway’s Efforts to Help one Afghan Family

by Lisa Mason and Paige Penico

Sunday, December 18 | 11:15am | Heritage Room & Zoom

Large-scale evacuations of vulnerable Afghan citizens took place amid the withdrawal of US and NATO forces during the final days of the war in Afghanistan in 2021. The collapse of the Afghan government occurred sooner than intelligence projections had estimated, and evacuation efforts became significantly more urgent. The evacuation operations were one of the largest airlifts in history. Between 14 and 25 August, the US evacuated about 82,300 people from Hamid Karzai International Airport. Many made their way to St. Louis, creating an extraordinary need and opportunity for Parkway and others to help settle these refugees. Leading our effort have been Lisa Mason and Paige Penico, who will update us on their good works and the stories behind those efforts. We are grateful for their amazing and committed service.

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84691476997?pwd=aEM2ZURYWURLNmkwd0EzV0VHV1IyQT09

Meeting ID: 8469147 6997 | Passcode: 181565 | Dial (312) 626-6799

Post Date: December 16, 2022


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