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Alzheimer’s News March 2022

Event Date: 03/13/2022


Caregiver Support Tips: Consider a Daily Care Plan
If you are caring for someone living with Alzheimer’s disease you might consider planning out a daily routine. This can be helpful for the person with Alzheimer’s and the caregiver and family members. Having activities that are structured and pleasant can help improve their mood and reduce agitation. You may need to continually explore, experiment and adjust. Keep the following things in mind:

+The person’s likes, dislikes, strengths, abilities and interests.
+ How the person used to structure their day.
+What times of day the person functions best.
+ Ample time for meals, bathing and dressing.
+ Consistent times for waking up and going to bed.

As Alzheimer’s disease progresses, the abilities of a person living with dementia will change. Make sure to leave some flexibility for spontaneous activities. With creativity and problem-solving, you will be able to adapt your daily routine to support these changes.
When it comes to actually writing a plan, it’s important to consider things like which activities work best and which don’t. Did spontaneous activates create anxiety or confusion or were they enjoyable – then make adjustments accordingly. Balance is key. The person living with Alzheimer’s needs a balance of activity and rest.

You can learn more by going to or the Alzheimer’s Helpline which is accessible 24/7 via 800-272-3900 and staffed by master’s level clinicians to assist with crisis situations, decision making, and disease information. You can find virtual dementia caregiver resources online at Tools and support are also available in Spanish.
Want to learn more about the Alzheimer’s Association and what they do here in St. Louis? Visit and/or contact PUCC’s Faith Outreach Ambassador with the Alzheimer’s Association, Joyce Ruiz at

Post Date: March 10, 2022


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