Holy Week to Easter
Event Date: 12/03/2024
Our theme for Lent has been around Identity. Our prayer at the Lenten Candles since Ash Wednesday has been: Holy One, we are on this Lenten journey with Jesus because we want to watch him and listen to him—so that we might become more like him. Jesus has a solid sense of who he is. He tells us that he is the bread, door, vine, life, light, way, shepherd. He interacts with people in expected and unexpected ways—and they all learn and grow with the interaction. Send your Spirit to lead us, guide us and light the way to ourselves, one another, and the Holy. Amen.
Holy Week 2020 at Parkway UCC
Opportunities to plug in and connect with worship, Bible Study, online conversations and a film discussion.
8am Zoom Conversation – Jesus said, “I am the Bread of Life.”
Join with video:
Join on your phone:
(301) 715-8592 or (253) 215-8782
Meeting ID: 534 405 569
Password: 753766
4pm Zoom Bible Study – What does our UCC say about the Bible?
Join with video:
https://zoom.us/j/176413188?pwd=amFBZzlIQmIrNER5Vjk1TVRVa0szQT09 Join on your phone:
(301) 715-8592 or (253) 215-8782
Meeting ID: 176 413 188
Password: 014077
12pm Zoom Conversation – Jesus said, “I am the Door.”
Join with video:
Join on your phone:
(253) 215-8782 or (301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 358 719 162
Password: 949713
7pm Zoom Conversation – Jesus said, “I am the Vine.”
Join with video:
Join on your phone:
(253) 215-8782 or (301) 715-8592 or (346) 248-7799
Meeting ID: 553 503 627
Password: 084775
10am Zoom Conversation – Jesus said, “I am the Life.”
Join with video:
Join on your phone:
(253) 215-8782 or (301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 353 382 275
Password: 255542
2pm Zoom Games – Bible Scattergories and Bible Pictionary
(No previous game experience necessary)
Join with video:
10am Zoom Conversation – Jesus said, “I am the Light.”
Join with video:
Join on your phone:
(253) 215-8782 or (301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 835 198 369
Password: 004640
Bring a photo of you as a child/teen and a photo of someone who helped you become who you are — parent/grandparent/aunt/uncle/sibling/coach/scout leader/neighbor. Consider preparing a brief story about how this person brought you light and impacted your identity.
7pm Worship – Facebook Live
It’s Maundy Thursday when Jesus washed the disciples’ feet and told them to find old and new ways to love one another. Maundy = mandate = commandment to love. We will talk about our identities as people of love.
8:30pm Zoom Conversation – Jesus said, “I am the Way.”
Join with video:
Join on your phone:
(253) 215 -8782 or (301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 797 084 240
Password: 258333
12pm Worship – Facebook Live from the Historic Sanctuary
Join us for scripture, music, poetry and periods of silence on such a difficult day.
3pm Zoom Conversation – Jesus said, “I am the Shepherd.”
Join with video:
Join on your phone:
(253) 215 -8782 or (301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 847 552 180
Password: 359218
7pm Worship – Facebook Live
This is a rough night in a tough week in a devastating season. We will talk about grief and hope. Please be sure to have a candle with you.
36-Hour Prayer Vigil
Please consider signing up to pray for one hour in your home.
10am View and Discuss the Film ‘Joshua’ on Zoom
Join with video:
6am Sunrise Worship – Facebook Live
This will be meaningful and memorable!
9:55am Easter Worship – Facebook Live
We made it! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! We rewind a bit and figure out how we ended up here. We will celebrate the resurrection and the Holy’s love and life that never end! Who are we now? What does the future look like as we go into it with a refreshed sense of who we are as Christians for this new day?
Blessings to you this Holy Week!
Post Date: March 20, 2020