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Ash Wednesday – as we begin the Season of Lent

Event Date: 09/08/2024


Join us as we begin our Lenten Journey to Holy Week and Easter. This is a journey to Jesus and an inward journey to self.

We will invite the Spirit to help us pay attention to Jesus and who he is as he relates with the people he meets in our Lenten Gospel Lessons. We will also ponder who we are as followers of Jesus.

Our scripture lessons are Joel 2 (selected verses) and Matthew 6:1-6.
We will light our Lenten candles and sing traditional and new songs. We will offer a children’s time. We will celebrate the sacrament of communion at our open table — we need strength and tenderness for this journey. We will also offer you the opportunity to receive ashes – from the palms of Palm Sunday 2019.

Post Date: February 13, 2020


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