Welcome to the new ParkwayUCC.org
On behalf of Parkway United Church of Christ, I would like to welcome you to our new website. It’s bright and friendly, and best of all? We built it with YOU in mind. (Yes. YOU!) In fact, Parkway United Church of Christ was built with you in mind!
Are you single, married, divorced, young, or old? You are welcome here.
Are you a liberal or a conservative or something in between—or not even the least bit interested in that sort of thing? You are welcome here.
Are you casually browsing or ardently searching? You are welcome here.
Are you struggling or feeling hopeless? Do you tend to shy away from organized religion? You are welcome here.
You can wear jeans. You can wear a dress. You can wear a tie. You can wear anything you want—even a Chicago Cubs t-shirt! You are welcome here.
Artists! Singers! Creatively challenged! Vegans! Meat eaters! People who could live on coffee and donuts! You are welcome here.
We welcome and celebrate all sexes, gender identities, gender expressions, sexualities, and asexualities.
We welcome and celebrate YOU.
All Accepted, No Exceptions.
Post Date: March 22, 2019