Walk to End Alzheimer’s

Saturday Oct. 24, 2020 The St. Louis Walk to End Alzheimer’s is happening on October 24th. Small walks will be all over the city, in neighborhoods, on sidewalks or trails with family and friends. People within the PUCC community are currently affected, so it has a special meaning this year. All of us are raising…

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Alzheimer’s News

Apples and Alzheimer’s In a 20-year study of 2,800 adults age 50 and over, those who consumed more foods rich in flavonoids such as; apples, berries, tea, red wine and dark chocolate were 2-4 times less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) compared with people whose flavonoid intake was low. Flavonoids, found…

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St Louis Metro Area Crop Walk 2020

The Crop Walk 2020 is still happening on October 25th. It will be followed by the Crop Concert. All Crop Walk Events will be virtual this year. The need to alleviate hunger continues greater than ever. Please visit the Crop Walk website for all details: www.crophungerwalk.org/saintlouismo Please join Parkway’s team as a virtual walker, or…

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Tuesday Evening Dialogue Continues September 22

Please join us on ZOOM for a fun discussion of the Pulitzer Prize winning book Less by Andrew Sean Greer. It’s about a failed novelist about to turn fifty who receives a wedding invitation in the mail from his former boyfriend. How does he avoid attending? He looks at the series of invitations to half-baked…

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Harper School at Parkway

The education wing will again be filled with the joy of students as we welcome Harper School to their second campus in the area. Pictured are Joe Wagner, founder of Harper School, ringing the commemorative PUNS school bell, and Council President Linda Tossing. Harper Hybrid is an in-person school for K-5 students whose regular school…

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The OKC Bombing; a Day of Infamy. I Was There by Brad Lyons

Until the September 11 attacks in 2001, the Oklahoma City bombing was the deadliest terrorist attack in the history of the United States. It remains the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in U.S. history. The bomber received the death penalty. Brad Lyons, a Parkway member, and newspaper reporter at the time, was at the scene…

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Gateway ONA Drag Bingo

Last year, Gateway Open and Affirming Churches hosted a dinner/trivia event to raise funds for the Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ*. It was a wonderful evening and we were looking forward to holding another dinner/trivia night this year. But, our Covid-19 pandemic has changed those plans. However, we still want…

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Forgiveness – Simple and Yet Complex by Dr. Jan Worley

February 21, 2021 | 11:15am Oscar Wilde once said, “Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them more.” Taking a less cynical view will be Dr. Worley, a previous Parkway Speaker Series presenter; this time with a two hour presentation to occur on one Sunday. Don’t worry, the time will fly given the subject and the…

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Music’s Written Language: Understanding Music for Non-Musicians

Back again for another musical offering is Parkway’s Music Director, Barry Luedloff. This time he delves into the strange world of reading music by presenting a brief introduction to understanding the written language of music for non-musicians…what those little lines and number and symbols and dots and squiggles really mean. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84898581439?pwd=V1JhZXNod1JSTjVJcm1QYWhOck9JQT09 Meeting…

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Intertwine Interfaith Spiritual Sustenance Session 4

Please join us on August 27th at 6:30 pm for our next Virtual Intertwine Interfaith Gathering. Speakers from Abrahamic Traditions will talk about our faiths’ “Belief in the Afterlife.” Participants will have the opportunity to share reflections on the afterlife and how the teaching of their tradition affects their daily life. The last portion of…

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Alzheimer’s News

Alzheimer’s News: This past week was the virtual Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC). Monday research was presented showing receipt of Flu and Pneumonia vaccinations are associated with reduced risk of Alzheimer’s Disease. Included in Tuesday’s research was news that a blood test for Alzheimer’s markers of abnormal Tau protein may show changes in the brain…

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If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin

Tuesday Evening Dialogue Be a part of the discussion of  this honest and stunning novel that inspired the award-winning major motion picture of the same name, James Baldwin has given America a moving story of love in the face of injustice.   ZOOM link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88245410276?pwd=YW1NSlc0YWNMSGo3bWZrUHIrWEVXUT09 Meeting ID: 882 4541 0276 | Passcode: 221351 | Phone:…

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