PARKWAY UCC Inquirers’ Gathering Dessert Night

Wednesday, March 1 | 6:30-7:45pm | Heritage Room & Zoom Inquirer: someone who wants to know more about Parkway UCC Our goals that evening include: getting to know one another a bit more discussing some key issues of faith describing Parkway’s worship, outreach, education, leadership, fellowship taking a look at our denomination, the United Church…

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Intertwine Interfaith Coffee House Event

Coffee, Music, Poetry, Tea Please join us on Saturday, February 25, 2023 at 7:00 pm. If you would like to share music, poetry, or another talent at the event, please indicate that when you RSVP via SignUp Genius. RSVP All ages are welcome! Coffee and tea will be served. Please indicate in the sign up…

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Volunteer Opportunities for Gateway ONA Convocation Needed

LGBTQIA Inclusion Training We will be hosting Convocation 2023 on March 4, 2023. This will be a hybrid event…in-person with online attendance available. We are asking for the following team of volunteers: Greeters/facilitators of attendees to facilities, set up of tables and chairs in Fellowship Hall and Gathering Space. (organization displays), Set up classrooms (Heritage…

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2-21 Webinar by Interfaith Power and Light and UCC

Join the Interfaith Power & Light, the United Church of Christ, and other faith partners in learning about benchmarking your facilities’ energy use, so that your congregation can cut energy costs and care for creation. This is the first step in planning to take advantage of federal funding now available to faith communities. Presenters include:…

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Gateway Open and Affirming Coalition – Convocation 2023

If you are an Open and Affirming congregation, talking about Open and Affirming, or thinking about starting the conversation, if you want to explore how to be effective allies, there will be something for you and your church. Come, be in conversation with others, learn what it means to be Open and Affirming and how…

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Listening Session

It has been more than six-months since our beloved Barb Kuhlmann’s untimely death. We continue to grieve and give thanks for her. It’s still so hard to believe she is gone. We are grateful for all of the people who have stepped up to help do the things that Barb did around here. Marsha Peek’s incredible…

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Winter 2023 Sunday School

This winter our children will be learning about some of the people who met Jesus. Most of these stories are found in the Gospel of John: Nicodemus, the Samaritan woman, the first disciples, a blind man, the little boy with fish and bread, and many more. Youth will be using a new curriculum called Feasting…

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1/15 – The Honey Bee, a Wonder of Creation by Eugene Makovec.

The keeping of bees dates back to 9,000 years ago, and has been traditionally for honey. Since the 20th century that has become less true. In the modern era, it is more often used for crop pollination. Our speaker has been a beekeeper for 27 years. His presentation will be an an overview of beekeeping, covering some…

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