Children & Youth

We are dedicated to providing compassionate, safe and fun care for children in our congregation.

Youth Lock-In

February 9-10 | 5:00pm Friday – 8:00am Saturday | Parkway UCC

Get ready! PUCC is bringing back lock-ins! For youth between 6th-12th grade, we’ll be having loads of fun things to do during the event, from game night to a scavenger hunt, a movie, and even Valentine decorating!  Dinner and breakfast will be provided — and also snacks of course! Questions?; 314-872-9330 ext. 105

Children & Youth Opportunities

Our Youth Ministry is now following the Living the Word curriculum. It’s a narrative lectionary, seeing God’s love for creation as one big story spanning across the Bible. And in 2024, all of our main ministries of Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, and even Adult Worship will follow this lectionary so we will be able to have a genuinely intergenerational faith community; that even the different ministries are having their own time, we’ll all be growing in the same direction for a more holistic and united experience for everyone.

2023-2024 Theme

Our theme for 2023-2024 will be Living Out God’s Kingdom. God’s plan for our world has not changed since the moment of creation. God created a world for people to work side -by-side in a community of love. However, humanity rejected that ideal and turned to selfishness. God never gave up. Throughout Scripture, God established a vision of a peaceful kingdom. God’s people continued to turn away, and God continued to love them. From this love came a promise of a future leader who would establish God’s kingdom for everyone. This Messiah, Jesus, embodied the kingdom of God in his life and ministry. Jesus’ mission led to his death on a cross, but through his sacrifice he triumphed over sin and death. After his resurrection, Jesus commissioned his followers and gave them his Holy Spirit. It was now their work to spread the good news throughout the world, including the promise of the end of death and the final arrival of the kingdom.

Taking the Story Home

Living the Word is jam-packed with engaging and inclusive lesson materials for all ages so our teachers can cater to a diversity of embodiments and ways of learning. One of the elements I’m most excited about is the Taking the Story Home pamphlet that will be offered through our eNews and at the end of church each week that will give children and their families the opportunity to continue the story they learned that Sunday through daily Bible readings, so that way they can be spiritually nourished throughout the week in an intentional way. This is also a great opportunity for parents to get involved in their child’s development. Discipleship starts with the family, and I can think of no better way to generate that love for God’s Word in our young’s hearts.

We’re really looking forward to this exciting and spirit-filled experience to walk together as one united family of Christ. That wherever your child is on their spiritual journey, know that here, they are accepted, respected, and loved.



We believe we are called as a church to receive, nurture, and treasure each child as a gift from God. Our nursery is a safe, clean, and inviting room for parents and children. We have experienced staff members who are CPR certified and background checked. We welcome babies through age 3 into our nursery room, located close to the Sanctuary.

My husband and I have been members for nearly 45 years and have seen the beloved children of the church grow in their faith as they learn they are loved by all in such a safe place.
- C. Cobb



At Parkway UCC, we celebrate baptism for people of all ages. Baptism is open to members and non-members. The Sacrament of Baptism symbolizes the love by which God reaches out to us even when we are very young. Whenever we baptize an infant, child, teenager, or adult, we are declaring that God loves that person and we offer ourselves as one of the instruments of that love in her/his life.


Confirmation provides the opportunity for youth to affirm the baptism vows that were made for them when they were younger. It's their time to claim the faith for themselves as they take responsibility for following, serving, and loving Christ. Weekly confirmation classes offer the opportunity for our older youth to ask questions, explore faith, and discover beliefs. Our confirmation program also includes opportunities to learn about other world faiths, as we understand the importance of peaceful coexistence—showing the same love that Jesus often spoke of in his ministry.

Other Opportunities Throughout the Year:

  • Christmas Pageant
  • Journey to Bethlehem
  • Special Easter morning ending with an Egg Hunt