Soap for Circle

SOAP FOR CIRCLE Circle of Concern food pantry provides fresh, nutritious food for over 600 families each month that reside in the Parkway, Rockwood and Valley Park School Districts. Our population is primarily divided among three different groups: single mothers with dependent children, the disabled (both physical and mental) and the elderly. In addition to…

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Greeting Card Ministry

The PUCC Greeting Card Ministry Team is seeking donations of greeting cards, note cards and post cards, specifically “Thinking of You,” “Encouragement” and serious “Get Well Cards.” If you have any to dispose of, we would greatly appreciate your placing them on the table in the office workroom along with a note indicating “Greeting Card…

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Time to Heal the Planet- UCC supports the Green New Deal

By Lynn Sableman I listened in on a call with representatives from the Sun Rise Movement, Sierra Club and My Generation Campaign. These groups and many more support the Green New Deal. Their mission is to spread grass roots activism to correct three things: 1. Becoming carbon neutral in ten years, 2. Creating good high…

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Alzheimer’s News

Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) News Six controllable, healthy, lifestyle habits were identified which, when incorporated into a person’s routine, could result in a 60% reduction in the risk for developing Alzheimer’s Disease. They are Exercising regularly; that is exercising a minimum of 150 minutes a week – 30 minutes on each of five days,…

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Work Day for Organizing

We will be organizing and recording storage areas of the church. We want members to know where supplies are kept in storage for events and projects.

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Poetry for the Rest of Us by Dottie Dwyer

Some have said that poetry is among the most loved, as well as misunderstood forms of art and literature. What do you think? Dottie Dwyer will enlighten and entertain us with her Parkway Speaker Series presentation on poetry and how one can learn to appreciate its message and its beauty.

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NJFM Trip to Art Museum Paul Gauguin: The Art of Invention

Not Just for Men group will visit the St. Louis Art Museum to view The Paul Gauguin exhibit. (Note: this event is on a Friday – when visits are free.) As much of his work is from his time in the Pacific Islands, some of the paintings may be PG-13. We will visit a fine…

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Isaiah 58 Ministries Volunteer Opportunity

Isaiah 58 Ministries is holding its Back-to-School Fair! Volunteers are needed to help distribute more than 150 backpacks filled with supplies provided by supporting congregations and other companies. Students will be able to begin their new school year prepped for success. For questions, email  

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Sunday, August 4, is Give-a-Meal Sunday. Please bring nonperishable food items to support Isaiah 58 food pantry.

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Love Offering for Ebenezer UCC, Levasy, MO. collection

Love Offering for Ebenezer UCC, Levasy! Please think of Ebenezer UCC, Levasy in your July offering. You can send your offering directly to Ebenezer at 206 W Old Lexington Rd, Levasy, MO 64066, or make your check out to Ebenezer UCC, Levasy Mo., and put it in the collection basket.

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