Film Showing of The Human Element

The Human Element Description “Compassion is a verb.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh Save the date for “The Human Element”, a documentary film which explores the impact of environmental change on every day Americans. Sponsored by the Parkway Sustainability Seekers and Interfaith Power and Light, the 76 minute film follows celebrated photographer James Balog as he takes…

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“My Faith; My Music and Their Intersection.” Reflections by George Bude

George’s instrument of choice is the clarinet. His faith is Greek Orthodox. Come learn how the two have blended during his life on Sunday, June 14th following worship.   Contact Richard Scherrer: |  3149935210 ________________________ Image by Bob McEvoy, courtesy of Pixabay: under the simplified Pixabay license:  

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Jesus Has Left the Building 11 – MLK Day – January 20, 2020

This was our first JHLTB that wasn’t a Saturday or Sunday. We chose the date because PUCCers have noticed the last couple of years that there aren’t very many community service projects available on MLK Jr Day in St. Louis. We looked for existing projects to join, so that we were helping alongside others rather…

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Lenten Conversations – Take Action!

Contact Emma Landowski to join the online meeting:; 314-872-9330. Are you looking for a response to our conversations with Jonathan Smith and Ginny Brown Daniel? Are you wondering what’s next after reading White Fragility? Are you looking for action or a space to continue asking questions? Then this is for you! Join us during…

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Sustainability Seeker Meeting

All are welcome to attend our monthly Sustainability Seeker Meeting which will be at 1 p.m. on Monday, March 16. Come once or always. Bring your passion for the future of our planet. Questions? Contact Polly Rutherford at 636-579-6375 or Polly Winkelmann at 314-503-4805.

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AWOL – Adventurous Women Out Late Meet at church at 2:00pm to carpool to the Art Museum for Art in Bloom. When the museum closes at 5:00pm, those who wish will go out to dinner nearby. Please RSVP to Carmen Bumgarner:   Image attributed to Dave Herzolz » under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike…

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Speaker Series with Christopher Grundy

Please plan to attend this very special adult education on communion and to hear about Christopher’s latest book Recovering Communion in a Violent World. Some words from Dr. Stephen Patterson-“a bold new vision for Christians that honors the past but sets a new course for a future where remembered violence gives way to remembered community…

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Ash Wednesday – as we begin the Season of Lent

Join us as we begin our Lenten Journey to Holy Week and Easter. This is a journey to Jesus and an inward journey to self. We will invite the Spirit to help us pay attention to Jesus and who he is as he relates with the people he meets in our Lenten Gospel Lessons. We…

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Chili/Brownie Smack down!

The Annual Chili/Brownie Smack down is coming and the pressure is building! Make plans to join us and enjoy chili and delicious brownies. Then vote on your favorites. You will pay $5 to try all of the entries and there is take out as well. The donations will benefit our Youth Summer Mission Trip.

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