Alzheimer’s News

Alzheimer’s News There is much new research to report. One such study is looking at the Glia cells in our brain which can remove amyloid-beta and tau tangles, but sometimes cause damage and inflammation. In Australia, ultra sound has been used to clear amyloid plaque. There has also been auditory/visual stimulation in MIT research to…

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EARTH DAY: April 1st – April 22nd

For this 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, even though we can’t physically get together and celebrate as a group, try taking this digital Earth Day Challenge. 22 Challenges leading up to Earth Day, April 22nd.

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Republic/Recycling Presentation Summary

Republic Services Shares Recycling Tips at Parkway “When in doubt, throw it out” was the take-away at a recent presentation by Chris Flaugher of Republic Services for Parkway staff, Sustainability Seekers and Council reps. He explained that the contamination in the recycling industry grew from an average of 5% in earlier years to as much…

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Daily Brief from the UCC

Dear friends,   We want you to know about two helpful resources from the United Church of Christ for ministry in the COVID-19 pandemic:   COVID-19 daily “brief” from the UCC   The briefing separates facts from falsehoods and fear, supplying valuable information for the duration of the pandemic crisis. This resource is prepared by…

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Financial Contributions

Warm greetings! Blessings to you and all of us.   Financial Contributions   The best way to contribute is through a “bill pay” program with your bank. Many members are already using this option and it works very well. The programs are easy to use, and there should be no cost to you or the…

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Holy Week to Easter

Our theme for Lent has been around Identity. Our prayer at the Lenten Candles since Ash Wednesday has been: Holy One, we are on this Lenten journey with Jesus because we want to watch him and listen to him—so that we might become more like him. Jesus has a solid sense of who he is.…

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Parkway & Partner Events

This is what is suspended/cancelled/postponed as of this writing. Currently, there is a county-wide ban on meetings of more than 10 people. Groups of less than 10 are welcome to continue to meet at Parkway UCC. We are limiting the space used to the Fellowship Hall and the upstairs restrooms in the Education Wing. Please…

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Staff Works Remotely

7-30-2020 Update: Letter to Congregation Due to COVID-19, we are taking the precaution of closing the Church Office until further notice – although we have a limited daily presence in the building and are checking phone messages frequently. Please call us 314-872-9330 or email us at Be assured our staff is busy at work…

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3/5/2023 Bulletin

Read Bulletin   You may toggle between the bulletin and the online viewing, view both side by side if your device supports, view on a separate device or print it out. Make sure the “Fit” option is selected under “Paper Sizing & Handling.”  

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