“Confessions of a Book Disciple” by Harold Cobb

When he was young, Harold Cobb enjoyed the Weekly Reader and that, in turn, fueled his passion for books. It also gave him strong credentials to know what’s a good read and what’s not. Harold, our Speakers Series presenter, will reveal his Top Ten List. See Presentation   Harold’s Recommended Reading LIst

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The Science of Covid-19 by John Russell, PhD

The Parkway Speakers Series brings you presentations in real time and as they unfold. John offers his thoughts on: “Bacteria, Viruses, the Immune System, AND -Hydroxychloroquine? The Science of Covid-19.” Who knows best – Dr. Fauci or President Trump or Dr. Russell?   See our calendar for connection information.   ______________________________ Image courtesy https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-man-getting-his-temperature-by-a-thermal-scanner-4148846/

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Alzheimer’s News – Choose Your Words Carefully

Even if guided by the best of intentions, common language can inadvertently come across as insensitive or upsetting to our audiences. Phrases like “Don’t forget…” or “Remember to…” may seem like a good use of language, but consider how it might make someone feel who’s dealing with a disease that impacts memory and thinking. Whenever…

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Helping Our Neighbors

Back-to-school clothing items needed. Instead of sending a long list of school materials needed, Isaiah 58 is requesting socks, underwear, and gift cards for shoes, for all ages, kindergarten through 12th grade. Isaiah 58 serves our neighbors in the Choteau, Jefferson, Cherokee, and S. Kingshighway boundaries. These items are especially needed during these difficult times…

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Paving the Way: A Military Memoir

Our second Army veteran from the distaff side, Evelyn Buretta had a distinguished career in the United State Army. Her tales of her experiences will inspire our admiration and shock and awe – well, perhaps just our awe and admiration. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81487732542?pwd=NmE1UDF1MDNjbXdtaW51L05Yd0c1QT09   Meeting ID: 814 8773 2542 Password: 138979 __________________________ Image attribution:…

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The Law of Protests by Mark Sableman

The Parkway Speakers Series brings you presentations in real time and as they unfold. Mark explores how courts sort out the First Amendment rights of protesting Americans verses protecting the safety and welfare of the citizens and their neighborhoods.   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84898581439?pwd=V1JhZXNod1JSTjVJcm1QYWhOck9JQT09   Meeting ID: 848 9858 1439 Password: 256973 (312) 626-6799   See our calendar…

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The Condor and the Eagle (documentary)

An exciting new award-winning film, The Condor and the Eagle is available for viewing online on Sunday, June 28 as part of Interfaith Power & Light’s summer film series! This fascinating film highlights the work of Indigenous and Hispanic environmental leaders in the Americas as they battle to safeguard their communities from the impact of…

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Alzheimer’s News

On May 28,2020 the FDA approved the first drug to image Tau pathology in patients being evaluated for Alzheimer’s Disease. This marks a significant advancement toward making more definitive assessments when using brain imaging. Tauvid (flortaucipir F18) was approved for intravenous injection to help “tau pathology” using positron emission tomography (PET) imaging to estimate the…

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Annual Meeting

This serves as the official call and invitation to our Annual Budget Meeting  June 14. Annual report to be shared in June 11 eNews.   May 2020 Letter from Church Council President   Image courtesy of  pxhere: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1566431 via the CCO Public Domain license. Free for personal and commercial use. No attribution required.    

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Intertwine Interfaith Spiritual Sustenance Session 3

Please join us June 25 at 6:00 for our next spiritual sustenance session: Abrahamic traditions -Myths & Truths. We’ll be answering YOUR questions about the three Abrahamic religions. This is a safe space to ask respectful questions, dispel myths, learn what the religions have in common, and celebrate our differences. We need your input to…

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TED Book Discussion: The Line Becomes a River

Tuesday Evening Dialogue discusses the book, The Line Becomes a River by Francisco Cantu. The author is a descendant of Mexican immigrants and chose to become a border patrol agent. This story encompasses the two sides of the border, the people who cross the border searching for the American dream, and the people whose job…

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Remembering my Time in Atlanta (1967-1974) – Ellie Svenson

Today I have been talking with my friends in Atlanta (John and I lived there 1967-1974). On our very first night in Atlanta, we happened to ride right next to Dr. King in an elevator at the Regency Hyatt House on Peachtree Street downtown.  It was the location of perhaps the first Southern Negro Leadership…

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