Join with TAD on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 2 – 3 as we discuss the book Crow Mary by Kathleen Grissom in parts over 3 sessions, June 4th, June 18th, and July 2nd. Join in at 1:45 for fellowship. In Montana in the summer of 1872, a young Crow woman named Goes Forth,…

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Book Sunday Shout-Out!

On May 19, PUCC will be doing our annual Book Sunday in conjunction with Pentecost, as well as it being the last day of Year 2 with our Living the Word Narrative Lectionary. A great kind of send-off into the summer as the Disciples went out to spread the good news 2,000 years ago. This…

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Prayer Corner

Wednesday, May 22 | 11:00am Drop-in Prayer Time. Kevin will be in the Prayer Corner in the Sanctuary. Come on by if you’d like to pray together. If you see someone else there, simply wait a bit in the Gathering Space. Other opportunities this summer: Monday, June 24 from 6-8pm; Tuesday, July 23 from 3-5pm;…

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Coffee and Conversation

Join us for a beverage and sweet treat at Deer Creek Coffee in Ladue. This is a great venue and is currently adorned with some of the stunning photography of PUCCer Nancy Wessinger. Come connect! Future dates for Coffee and Conversation: Wednesday, June 12 at 2pm – Panera on Clayton Rd at 141 in Town…

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May 2024 Alzheimer’s News

May 2024 Alzheimer’s News Blood tests: The Next Frontier in Alzheimer’s Diagnosis. Blood tests for earlier detection of Alzheimer’s disease are one of the most promising emerging areas in Alzheimer’s research today. A study examined the use of blood-based biomarkers for Alzheimer’s in primary care and compared them to diagnostic accuracy of primary care physicians.…

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Mother’s Day Breakfast

Sunday, May 12 | 8:30a-1:00p We will be hosting a pancake breakfast for mothers of any kind (animal, plant, or human) on Mother’s Day. Breakfast will be served directly after the service on Sunday, May 12. The meal will include pancakes, bacon, sausage and scrambled eggs and will be accompanied by a beverage of your…

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Vacation Bible School

Saturday, June 8 | 9am-2pm | Parkway UCC Crafts! Games! Food! What is justice? [God] has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8) For VBS this year, we’re going to…

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