January 2024 Alzheimer’s News

January 2024 Alzheimer’s News The St. Louis Walk To End Alzheimer’s last October raised $1,025,000. Our Parkway team raised $2,095 of that total. Thanks to all the donors, volunteers, walkers, and supporters. Because you walk, we are in a new era of treatment. For the first time, we have treatments that can change the course…

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Youth Lock-In

February 9-10 | 5:00pm Friday – 8:00am Saturday | Parkway UCC Get ready! PUCC is bringing back lock-ins! For youth between 6th-12th grade, we’ll be having loads of fun things to do during the event, from game night to a scavenger hunt, a movie, and even Valentine decorating!  Dinner and breakfast will be provided —…

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Tuesday Evening Discussion

2nd & 4th Tuesdays | 6:00pm potluck | 7:00pm discussion | Heritage Room Please join us on for our first session on the The Book of Charlie by David Von Drehle . This is the true story of the author’s neighbor, 109 year old Charlie. Von Drehle came to understand that Charlie’s resilience and willingness…

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Tuesday Afternoon Dialogue’s New Book Jan 2024

1st & 3rd Tuesdays | 1:45pm fellowship | 2:00-3:00pm discussion | Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83670617428?pwd=bUxPZEdDMlU4ay9oNndTWW4yZUYwUT09(312) 626-6799 Meeting ID: 836 7061 7428; Passcode: 480007 TAD  resumes Tuesday, January 16th at 2 pm. We’re looking forward to hearing what books everyone enjoyed over our break. TAD’s next book is John Green’s The Anthropocene Reviewed: Essays On a Human-Centered Planet.…

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AWOL: Adventurous Women Out Late

All are invited to go AWOL this winter and spring! Join us as we make new connections and strengthen existing ones. Saturday, January 13 Golden Globe nominated film, Oppenheimer 6:30pm | Heritage Room Bring a pillow, blanket and a snack to share! Thursday, February 15 ‘Mamma Mia’ at The Fox Theater 7:30pm (around $65) RSVP…

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Inquirers’ Gathering

For those who want to know more about PUCC and who want to be known Jan 8, 2024 | 6:30-8:45pm | Heritage Room Our goals that evening include: * getting to know one another a bit more * describing Parkway’s worship, outreach, education, leadership, fellowship * taking a look at our denomination, the United Church…

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Parkway Adventurers Planning

Parkway Adventurers Group gathers for a 2023 planning Dutch brunch on Tuesday, January 16, at 9:30. We will plan interesting outings for 2024 with volunteers coordinating one of the outings. We usually meet after the tour for lunch at a nearby restaurant. Being with church members and learning something new about the St. Louis community…

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