3/13 – The Conductor: timekeeper, herder, tastemaker, cheerleader and scold by David Peek

Event Date: 03/13/2022


Select Sundays | 11:15am | Heritage Room & Zoom

Conductors serve as messengers for the composer. It is their responsibility to understand the music and convey it through gesture so transparently that the musicians in the orchestra understand it perfectly. Those musicians can then transmit a unified vision of the music out to the audience. Easily said, but how does that really work? David Peek knows and he will share his secrets as to how he so deftly conducts the Town & Country Symphony.


Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84691476997?pwd=aEM2ZURYWURLNmkwd0EzV0VHV1IyQT09

Meeting ID: 8469147 6997 | Passcode: 181565 | Dial (312) 626-6799

Post Date: March 3, 2022


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