Alzheimer’s News
Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) News
Six controllable, healthy, lifestyle habits were identified which, when incorporated into a person’s routine, could result in a 60% reduction in the risk for developing Alzheimer’s Disease. They are
- Exercising regularly; that is exercising a minimum of 150 minutes a week – 30 minutes on each of five days, by biking, walking, swimming, gardening or doing yard work
- Eating healthier-such as the Mediterranean Diet, or a high-quality diet of mostly vegetables, nuts, berries, beans, whole grains, seafood, poultry and olive oil while avoiding red meats, butter, cheese, pastries, sweets and fried foods
- Lower Alcohol consumption such as limiting yourself to one glass of wine per day
- Engagement in cognitive stimulating activities such as reading the newspaper or a book, playing games such as checkers, chess, or a crossword puzzle
- Refrain from smoking
- “Good Sleep” 7-8 hours, which is uninterrupted or non-segmented sleep each night. Sleep is restorative, a time when one’s brain is cleansed. If all six habits are not developed together, a 10% reduction in risk can still be expected for each habit incorporated into your lifestyle.
Submitted by Joyce Ruiz
Post Date: August 8, 2019