Tuesday Evening Dialogue

Please join us on Tuesday April 9 when we start our first session discussing “The Accidental President” by A.J. Baime. This book is about Harry S. Truman and his first four months as president and the dramatic events that changed the world including dropping the first atomic bomb . We will be discussing the first…

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Garden Cleanup for Spring

Spring Clean Up in the Garden If you wandered over to our pollinator garden last summer and fall, I hope you were as excited as I was about the success of our little garden. The flowers were beautiful and attracted lots of bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. If you have wandered over recently you may…

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Easter Prayer Vigil March 29-31

Our Annual Easter Prayer Vigil begins Good Friday Night and continues through our Easter Sunrise Service. Please sign up to be in prayer for at least one of the 36 hours at your home – not at church. Please let us know if you would like some suggestions as to what to do during your…

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Holy Week at Parkway 2024

Holy Week at Parkway 7:00pm Maundy Thursday (March 28) in the Sanctuary. 12:00pm Good Friday (March 29) in the Historic Sanctuary across the street. 7:00pm Good Friday (March 29) in the Sanctuary. Easter Prayer Vigil (March 29-31) in your home. Easter Sunday Sunrise Service (March 31) at 6:15am in Elm Lawn Cemetery (behind Historic Sanctuary).…

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