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March 2024 Alzheimer’s News

Event Date: 03/10/2024


The Alzheimer’s Association Announces New “Dementia Care Navigation Roundtable” (DCNR)” The DCNR convened experts from across the healthcare industry to share best practices and disseminate resources. The goal is to help people living with dementia achieve improved outcomes, reduce hospital stays and emergency room visits, shorten delays in long-term care placement, as well as address the needs of caregivers. The DCNR will develop strategies and solutions that would allow these benefits to be implemented in more communities across the country. Guiding principles have been published in the journal “Alzheimer’s & Dementia:” Translational Research & Clinical Interventions (TRCI). The new paper provided the cornerstone of the DCNR’s work to create a national framework for dementia care navigation. For more information on care and support services, visit
You can learn more by going to or the Alzheimer’s Helpline which is accessible 24/7 via 800-272-3900 and staffed by master’s level clinicians to assist with crisis situations, decision making, and disease information. You can find virtual dementia caregiver resources online at Tools and support are also available in Spanish.
Want to learn more about the Alzheimer’s Association and what they do here in St. Louis? Visit and/or contact PUCC’s Faith Outreach Ambassador with the Alzheimer’s Association, Joyce Ruiz at

Post Date: March 11, 2024


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