journey to bethlehem

Journey to Bethlehem 2023

Event Date: 12/03/2023


Join us for a Special Worship Experience on December 3

Sunday, December 3 | 10:00am | Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall

Come One, Come All to a Special Worship Experience on December 3. We will begin with Worship in the Sanctuary and then… A Journey to Bethlehem in Fellowship Hall. Adults will have all of their senses engaged and will ponder some of the mystery and love of the season. Children will be given a Passport to visit Mary and Joseph, Angels, and spend time in the stable. Travel further on to the Bethlehem Market and taste some of the foods of the era, visit some farm animals, and make a final visit with The Wisemen.

Bring children of all ages, and invite grandkids to join us. There will be tables in the middle with more activities: God’s Eyes, Festive Paper Chains, Ornaments, and Writing Poetry. Join us on the first Sunday of Advent!

More info? Contact Carol Cobb: | (314) 640-8166

Post Date: November 21, 2023


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