natviity long hats

Celebration of Nativity Scenes


Our Second Annual Celebration of Nativity Scenes will take place December 14-21.
It’s a great deal less complicated than last year!

Drop off any nativity scene(s) that you would like to share with other PUCCers on Sunday or Monday, December 12-13 on the tables in the Gathering Space.

We will display them all around the sanctuary so they are ready for viewing beginning on Tuesday afternoon, December 14.

Come anytime to enjoy them — please wear a mask and practice physical distancing. We ask that you do not touch the nativity scenes as many of them are fragile and all are precious to our families.

Please retrieve your nativity scene(s) anytime December 22-23.

We are looking for a few angels to help with setup on Tuesday, December 14 at 9am. Please let us know if you would like to help.

Post Date: December 3, 2021


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