4/25 Speakers Series: My Life-Long Fascination with the Weather

Event Date: 04/25/2021


Sunday, April 25 | 11:15am | ZOOM

Presented by Matthew Scherrer. George Carlin once wisecracked “Weather forecast for tonight – dark.” But it’s not that simple according to Matthew Scherrer, a self-styled amateur meteorologist. In his remarks for the Parkway Speakers Series, Matthew will recount his passion for weather from childhood to the present, agreeing with what another wag observed, “It is best to read the weather forecast before we pray for rain.”

Video: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84898581439?pwd=V1JhZXNod1JSTjVJcm1QYWhOck9JQT09


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Post Date: April 16, 2021


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