Easter Sunday Services

Event Date: 04/21/2019


Easter Sunday Sunrise Service

April 21 at 6am   |  Cemetery behind the Historic Sanctuary.

We will begin in the dark – around the ‘New Fire’. We will remember the retreat into darkness that disciples took… then, as the sun comes up, we will reorient ourselves and feel the warmth and grace slowly coming over us and rising in us. We will share communion and recommit ourselves to this NEW DAY!

Easter Sunday Service

April 21 10am  |  New Sanctuary

We made it! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

We will rewind a little bit and figure out how we ended up here. We will celebrate the resurrection and the Holy’s love and life that never end! How do we journey forward from here after the path that we have been on? In which direction will we turn now? What will we take with us? Who is waiting for us?

Post Date: April 18, 2019


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